About William P. Wheeler

Will Wheeler teaches courses in microeconomic theory, environmental economics and the history of economic thought. He is a member of the American Economic Association, the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists and the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis.

Scholarship and research interests

Wheeler’s research focuses on applied econometrics, environmental economics and nonmarket valuation. His recent work uses individuals’ decisions of where to travel for outdoor recreation as a signal for how they value the different amenities (e.g., weather, plant life, nearby activities) they gain access to by visiting a particular location. By looking at many trips to many different locations, he aims to use these travel decisions to back out monetary values for environmental and public goods that don’t have their value signaled by a market price.


B.A., Colorado State University
M.S., University of Oregon
Ph.D., University of Oregon

Courses taught

ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 252 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 300 History of Economic Thought
ECON 330 Labor Economics
ECON 350 Environmental Economics

About William P. Wheeler

Will Wheeler teaches courses in microeconomic theory, environmental economics and the history of economic thought. He is a member of the American Economic Association, the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists and the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis.

Scholarship and research interests

Wheeler’s research focuses on applied econometrics, environmental economics and nonmarket valuation. His recent work uses individuals’ decisions of where to travel for outdoor recreation as a signal for how they value the different amenities (e.g., weather, plant life, nearby activities) they gain access to by visiting a particular location. By looking at many trips to many different locations, he aims to use these travel decisions to back out monetary values for environmental and public goods that don’t have their value signaled by a market price.


B.A., Colorado State University
M.S., University of Oregon
Ph.D., University of Oregon

Courses taught

ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 252 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 300 History of Economic Thought
ECON 330 Labor Economics
ECON 350 Environmental Economics

William P. Wheeler
William P. Wheeler
Assistant Professor of Economics
Programs Economics